Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Throw Pillow from Kitchen Towel

Lots of credit to my mother on this one-she's the one who translated my brainstorm into a do-able plan!

There are lots of pretty kitchen towels (tea towels) at the store these days. You can easily and quickly turn your favorite into a throw pillow cover. I made this one today:

Here's how we did it (think of the red stripe as the fox design):

1. Fold one end behind to make a large square (with the design on it) in front and a small rectangle behind. 

Folding the towel to make a square.

Front view-you can just see the rest of the towel folded behind.

Back view after folding.

2. Turn the folded towel inside-out (flip it along the fold).
Turned inside-out.

3. Get a same-width strip of a different fabric. 

4. Lay the second fabric over the folded towel so that it lines up with the bottom side (the red stripe end in these pictures) and overlaps the folded-back end.

5. Sew along the sides and bottom. When finished, you should have a pillow cover with overlapping ends on the back side, like this:

Note: the second piece of fabric I used  was already hemmed along the overlap side-you may want to hem it before sewing your cover together.

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